sabato 20 ottobre 2007

Break My Heart Slowly

Evitando improbabili paragoni con James - ke è un altro pianeta, anzi un altro universo! - trovo che Nicky abbia una voce molto affascinante.. Questo è uno dei singoli del suo solo album I Killed The Zeitgeist, uscito lo scorso anno.

Nicky lo descrive così nel suo sito: The relationship between artist and model / love triangles / being overwhelmed by ego and vanity / unconditional devotion turns to doomed failure. Glorious, fuzzy, super rock. (Magari domani lo traduco, adesso c'ho sonno lol!)

Edit 23.10: aggiungo oggi il testo, x il quale ringrazio!

ฺBreak My Heart Slowly

"It’s scary to watch someone you love go into the centre of himself and confront his fears...
Fear of failure, fear of death, fear of going insane
You have to fail a little, die a little, go insane a little to come out the other side."

Break my heart slowly
Dora Maar said to me
She came to me in a dream
Reaching out for luck with fear

She said:
"Hold on, hold on, hold on to your gun"

It was cold, the night was black
You could feel her freezing hands
Exiting a life of chance
Painted dead a million times

She said:
"Hold on, hold on, hold on to your gun"

If your life has changed
If it makes no sense
You can carry on
If you still belong
If your life has changed
If it makes no sense
You can carry on
If you still belong

C’mon, c’mon, c’mon, c’mon, c’mon, c’mon, c’mon

Break my heart slowly
Break my heart slowly

So c’mon now, c’mon now
So c’mon, c’mon, c’mon
So c’mon now, c’mon now
So c’mon, c’mon, c’mon

11 commenti:

Little Baby Nothing ha detto...

I love this song and vdo too. It's just something a bit nice from Nicky voice. hahaha

Anonimo ha detto...

lol You know, I think Nicky's voice is in some way really charming, nothing to do with James - I just wrote James' voice is just another planet, or better another universe lol - but Nickys got something, like a sepulchral voice lol XD

Yayy! gotta celebrate the first comment on this blog ^__^ and Im already thinking about switching the site to English.. nessun italiano in lettura????

Anonimo ha detto...

You know first time I heard Nicky's solo song, personally, it was demo and it was totally suck. But after listening full album, that's not too bad though. And I quite love this song, kind of a little sweet.

By the way, making Manics site in local language is fine. There are too many site in English (which became the good source to me ^^)The idea of sharing with local fan is great. The bad point is The Manics may never visit my site because just can't read ^^^

Go on The Italian Fan !

Anonimo ha detto...

I yet have to buy Nicky's album, now Im enjoying SATT which is the album that took me back into the Manics. After TIMTTMY I hadnt followed them for a while, until Ive heard Autumn Song this summer and found out that they are doing again the kind of music that made me love them at their beginnning. The fact that here in Italy their almost unknown doesnt help, I didnt even know about the solo albums - shame on me!
So, I'll keep the site in Italian, cos Im sick of surfing the net and all I can find in my language is just idiot reviews made by ppl who dont know anything about the Manics! I dont pretend to have The Truth here, but at least when someone stumbles on this blog, will find some infos and, most of all, some music.
Anyway, I dont think the Manics will visit our sites, at least not James and Nicky, cos their kinda computer illiterate lol! I was reading in the official site, Sean posted a couple of comments and when asked about his bandmates he said they still use pen and paper...

Anonimo ha detto...

hahaha, I do think the Manics will never visit, but Sean. So just hope one day Sean will reach our site !

Anonimo ha detto...

Here in Thailand, there's no big news about the Manics anymore (since Richey's gone) and just forget about their solo album. Even for a fan like me, still know the news about them about too late.

Luck on me, that I open the site for one year, and it seems there are still many Manics survivers here. The great opportunity to me is my website was published - just one page (recommended site column) - in the last musical magazine here. That's such a great thing for a little fan to get people know that ... Yeah we Manics fans here, still alive !!!

Anonimo ha detto...

Well, this album is great imo, so I think they're reaching new fans - or getting back the old ones. So they'll decide to tour your country and mine as well :) too bad they havent toured here for 9 years so Ive never had the chance to see them :,,(

Anyway, Ive just added the lyrics to Break My Heart, Ive found them in your site so thank you ^^ Your doing a pretty good work with it

Anonimo ha detto...

Thanks for the admire.

You know, they'd been here in 1994. It's first and last ! Hopelessly, I know they don't think to come back this small country. ToT

Anonimo ha detto...

Never say never :)
About a tour in my country, if you see the video where Nicky says is opinion about Italy, Im losing my hopes lmao! And you know, he's totally right in what he says, good place for holidays but bad place to live in, but Id like to suggest him to do at least one show here to save us from mediocrity haha XD

Did you see them in '94?

Anonimo ha detto...

In 1994, I was still a little school girl who just listened to local music. I saw them on TV and just said "what a long name band !" That may be the biggest missing point of the life.

They always tour in Japan (which the nearest country to my place) but still too far to reach and too much to spend. However, if one day it's gonna be the last tour, I will die to go for it !! hahaha

I'm not sure that they like Thailand or not. But it seems to be the second. They wrote "BALLAD OF THE BANGKOK NOVOTEL " not in a good way. Every time they sing about Bangkok, it's about prostitute. It's true (that I want to run away from it)

Hey,,, is anybody else here ?
Come and Share !

Anonimo ha detto...

I guess it's just the 2 of us here!
So, i'll tell you how I first heard of the Manics. It was '92 so I was 15, and I was a huuuuuge fan of the Guns N' Roses, I was totally addicted to them, exp Axl, I did live for him. So the first Manics song Ive heard was Slash N' Burn, and I was like "What about Slash?!?!" XD And then I read one of their interviews where they talked about being the new Sex Pistols, doing what the Guns N' Roses didnt dare to do: selling 1 milion records and then break up. So my first opinion was: these guys are nuts lol But I already loved their songs, from the few videos I saw on MTV.
They toured here too in 94, they also went very near to my town, when they did a tour with Suede, (maybe it was 93?) and i didnt know it! Aahh the pre-internet era!

So Nicky doesnt like Italy and doesnt like Thailand... Should we leave for Wales?? ^^